Dates are the delicious fruit of the date palm tree. They are known for their naturally sweet, almost caramel-like flavor, as well as being great sources of fiber, antioxidants and several other micronutrients.Not only do dates help to satisfy that sweet tooth but they are extremely versatile!
This maple vanilla date butter can be used as a dip for fruit or crackers, a spread for toast, a topping for things like oatmeal, yogurt and granola or even as a natural sweetener alternative in recipes!
This particular recipe does not require a large amount of equipment, however, you will need either a
This maple vanilla date butter is made with just 6 ingredients and can be used as a healthy sweetener alternative or on its own as a topping, dip or spread!
Remove the pits from the dates and place them in a small bowl.
Pour boiling water into the bowl, just enough to fully cover all of the dates. Let soak for at least 30 minutes.
In a high-speed blender or food processor, add the dates, date water, maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon and sea salt. Blend together thoroughly until fully combined.
Transfer your date butter into a glass jar, seal tightly and refrigerate.
Store in the refrigerator in a sealed jar for 2-4 months!